I have seen many people in the GYM who trained their upper body like biceps, triceps, chest, back, and shoulder muscles but when it comes to a leg workout they didn't even give 10% of priority to it. But the reality is leg workout is very important like upper body exercises. In this article, we will cover the top 5 leg workouts.
1. Barbell Squats The first exercise we are going to perform is the barbell squats. This is one of the best leg workouts. It will help you well shape bigger legs. This will target your chord mussel and build muscle mass on your thighs. For the movement of up and down, it helps maintain flexibility in the joint section of your knees. This exercise not only targets your chord mussel but also works on gluts mussel and lower back. How to do -
- You need a barbell and stand up straight.
- Put the barbell on your shoulder and grab the barbell.
- The grip between two hands should be a little wider than the shoulders.
- The distance between two feet should be shoulder width.
- Soft your knees and bent from the pelvic bone.
- Now, sit slowly parallel to the ground and try not to go down completely.
- Perform 3 sets of 15 - 20 reputations. Start this exercise from a medium weight then slowly increase weights after completing a set.
- You need a leg extension machine.
- Sit on the bench straight and support your back properly.
- Bent your knees and keep your core tight.
- Now, pull the weight slowly until you squizz your chord mussel properly.
- Then release the weight slowly until your legs are fully stretched.
- Perform it from a moderate weight then increase the weight slowly and do 3 sets of 20 reputations.
- You need a leg press machine.
- Keep your feet down to the push machine and bent your knees.
- Sit on it properly. Keep your core and lower back tight.
- Now, lift your legs slowly with the weights until you squizz your leg mussel properly.
- Then release it slowly and make sure your legs do not cross down from the 90° angle.
- You can do 4 sets of 12 -15 reputations and don't forget to increase weights after completing a set.
The fourth exercise we will do is the Dumbbell Lunge. This is a very beneficial workout for leg development. This exercise not only targets the quadriceps mussel but also works on gluteals and hamstrings. It increases the all-over the lower body strength and stamina. This will helps to gain muscle mass on your legs to achieve muscular legs.
How to do -
- You need two dumbbells and stand straight
- Take two dumbbells with your hand side.
- Keep your lower back straight and core tight.
- Put your 1 leg a little forward to another one.
- Now, keep your front knee soft and bent a little and the other knee should fully bend and be placed as close as possible to the floor.
- Walk like this at a distance of 5 meters then walk back to the starting point. This will be counted as 1 set.
- Complete 3 sets and perform it from a medium weight then slowly increase the weight.
5. Machine Standing Calf Raise The last exercise we are going to do is the Machine Standing Calf Raise. This is one of the best calf exercises to develop the calf. You can feel a huge contraction in your calf by doing this exercise. It targets the gastrocnemius ( main mussel on the calf ) and a little bit of soleus. It helps to gain mussels on the calf. How to do -
- You need a calf machine to perform this.
- Stand straight into the calf machine and hold the handle.
- Keep your toe at the end of the plate.
- Now, lift your heel slowly and feel the contraction on your calf.
- Then release it slowly till the time your calf gets fully stretched.
- perform 3 sets of 20 reputations and increase weights slowly after a set completion.