How to Get Paid Big Bucks As a Ghostwriter

In this article, we are going to cover why some freelance writers are making over $1,000 per day writing things like blog posts and ebooks for their clients. Many people don't understand that a client will pay an arm and a leg if they can claim ownership over the writing otherwise known as ghostwriting jobs.

How to Get Paid Big Bucks As a Ghostwriter

So an official definition for ghostwriting is when one person group or company claims ownership over a piece of writing that was created by another person ghostwriting actually happens all around you, you probably don't realize it it is the TV shows and movie scripts that you consume.

For every piece of the book that you buy in Barnes and Noble ghostwriting can also occur in a collaborative arrangement. But for the purposes of this article, I'm going to be talking about the individual ghostwriter like myself, who is out there cleaning up right now, on sites like Fiverr or Upwork, or through their personal website.

ghostwriting has been around for 1000s of yours. This is actually not a new concept and the most famous evidence of ghostwriting is nonetheless the Bible. Many parts of the Bible were written in a collaborative arrangement as well as by people hundreds of years later from when the event occurred.

Funny enough for 1000s of years history stories were passed down from generation to generation in a form of actually ghostwriting. And it wasn't until the age of enlightenment that people started wanting individual credit for their ideas and their inventions. This brings us to today.

Age of Enlightenment though today people hire ghostwriters for a number of reasons Number one being to save themselves the time they also hire ghost writers if they themselves are not good at reading, writing, or researching ghostwriters can also be a nice source of additional research on a topic and they can even give feedback and provide a third party perspective on something if the other person might have been too close to the topic.

In reality, most people are too lazy to write today which is awesome for people like me and like you who want to make money copywriting ghostwriters can therefore charge three to four times more per piece of writing than if they were just doing regular freelance writing.

And I know this from personal experience. For example, for my ghostwriting ebook gig, I charge $1,250 for a 10,000-word ebook, which is generally two to three times more than people who want their own credit on that ebook, after they write it for a client on a site like Fiverr.

Many times ghostwriters might request a commission structure as well where they're paid 50% upfront, let's say $500 For the same ebook, and they want 50% of the royalties that come from their work for a one to two-year period. For more famous or prolific pieces of writing.

This is a common payout structure since the ghostwriter will actually end up making more than if they had just requested one lump sum. As a freelance writer, I tend to do orders that are 10,000 words or less. So I'm perfectly happy with that lump sum. And then I can go on my way.

So another example is, that a person might charge $50 for a 500-word blog. And if they wanted the credit, as the writer of the blog, $50 would be normal. But if they had ghostwritten that same blog, it's very normal to see someone charging 200, even $300, for the same piece of writing. That was actually when I started to offer my first ghostwriting gig on Fiverr. For ebook writing, before then I did not have any ghostwriting gigs. And it was a major part of my income jumping.

So for those who want to make over $1,000 per day as a ghostwriter, here's the quickest way to go about it. If you charge one to $200 per 500-word piece of writing you do for a client, many writers can do that in only 30 to 45 minutes, you do the math and five to six hours per day you can be making over $1,000.