A well maintain biceps is a dream and pride of all men. It is proved the biceps can change the overall looks of a man. It plays an important role to impress someone. In this article, we are going to perform the 5 best exercise to train our biceps and boost their growth of the biceps.

1. Dumbbell curl The first exercise we will perform is the Dumbbell curl. This exercise helps to get a well-cutting bigger biceps and boosts the growth of your arms. It builds mussels by covering both the inner and outer heads of the biceps brachii. It also strengthens your forearms and wrists. How to do -

  • Stand straight. Take two dumbbells with your two hands.
  • Start this exercise from a moderate weight. you can do 3 sets of 20 reputations.
  • Now slowly lift the dumbbell up until you squizz your biceps mussels properly then slowly release it till the bicep is fully stretched.
  • Whenever you are performing this exercise do not jerk heavily.
  • Perform this in a very controlled way.

2. Seated Concentration Curl The second exercise we are going to perform is the Seated Concentration Curl. Basically, this exercise is categorized as an isolation workout. It is a premium workout for getting the best concentration on the biceps. It makes the biceps mussel powerful. It helps to gain muscle mass on your biceps muscle and increase the size of the biceps, cause it hits the particular mussel fibers and breaks them for better growth. How to do -

  • Sit on a flat bench. Take a dumbbell with your 1 arm.
  • Bent with pelvic bone and core tight. Place your tricep on your knee.
  • Perform it from a lightweight after completing a set, increase the weight.
  • You can perform 3 sets of 15 - 20 reputations. The rest between sets will be 1 minute.
  • Now, lift the dumbbell close to your face slowly, feel the weight and contract your biceps mussel properly and release it slowly.

3. Barbell Preacher Curl The third exercise we are going to perform is the Barbell Preacher Curl. This exercise is basically an isolation workout for growing the biceps mussel. Performing a negative moment in this exercise this will allows fast mussel growth and increase strength. It gives you a better contraction of your biceps. This exercise not only trains your biceps but also trains brachialis and brachioradialis. How to do -
  • Sit on the bench. Place your hands on the barbell.
  • Keep your lower back straight and core tight.
  • The grip between two hands should be 12 inches. Place yourself on the bench properly.
  • Now, lift the barbell slowly and squizz your biceps mussel and release it slowly so that you can feel the stretch on your biceps.
  • Perform this exercise from a lightweight. Make sure you do this full range of motion. You can do 3 sets of 12- 15 reputations.
4. Standing Barbell curl The fourth exercise we are going to do is the Standing Barbell curl. This exercise is an all-time favorite of all gym lovers. This exercise gives your biceps a better tension and also helps to gain muscle mass on your biceps, arms, etc. This will improve your gripping and pulling strength. For the movement of the elbow up and down it gives strength and flexibility to your elbows. How to do -

  • To perform this exercise we need a barbell.
  • The grip between two hands should be shoulder-width or if you want to measure this it will be 16 inches.
  • Put a medium weight on both sides of the barbell. Perform 3 sets of 12 - 15 reputations.
  • Now lift the barbell close to your upper chest slowly and contract your biceps properly then also release it slowly until your biceps are fully stretched. Perform it in a very controlled way.
5. Hammer Dumble Curl The fifth exercise we are going to perform is the Hammer Dumble Curl. This is an isolation movement for the biceps. This exercise is very helpful for developing the wrist and forearms including the biceps. It engages the long head of the biceps brachii and also brachialis, and brachioradialis. It improves the elbow joint stability because it is a single joint movement exercise. How to do -
  • For doing this exercise you need dumbles.
  • Stand straight, take 2 Dumble on your hands.
  • You can start it from a moderate weight. You can perform 3 sets of 10 - 15 reputations.
  • Now, lift the dumbbell slowly to the inner side of your body and lift until you squizz your biceps properly then release it slowly. Perform this exercise in a full range of motion.