1. Awear about eating and drinking.

When people heard aware of eating and drinking they thought we have to stop everything we love to eat. Actually, this is just a myth. Eat everything but you have to figure out what is necessary.

 That means eating healthy foods and vegetables. We all know that consuming healthy foods and vegetables with a proper diet is a reason for a healthy life but we do not take it seriously because we are addicted to unnecessary things.

 Drinking alcohol may release your stress in the short term but in the future, it will be the reason for your stress. So, eat healthily and stay healthy.

2. Regular exercise.

Exercise is the most powerful weapon to release stress. No no, I don't say that you have to go to the GYM and make a six-pack body.

 I want to suggest that keep up some basic exercise on the regular basis. aerobic exercise, strengthening with weights, yoga or Tai Chi, etc. Exercise will help you to find a refreshing mood with a positive attitude and a stress-free life.

3. Spend some time with family and friends.

Spending time with family and friends will help you when you are under stress. Share your emotion and thoughts with them. In this stressful situation, proper communication with them will help you to get rid of the situation.

Talk to yourself for just 10 minutes. I know it sounds crazy but will definitely work. Just ask yourself why you are stressed and find the reason. This will help you to get refreshed.

4. laughter.

laughter is the best medicine to relieve stress. In a case study with so many people, it's proved that people who are continuously laughing each day they're less stressed than the people who are being serious per day.

Can't believe that right?? To observe this just focus on yourself whenever you laugh and try to remind the reason for stress. You cannot remind the reason even you will be free from any of the attachments and this is the magic. I don't say that it will resolve your issue but will keep you far from the stressful state. That's how you feel refreshed and energetic to think about what is the problem and dissolve your stress.

5. Show your gratitude.

Showing your gratitude for all the good things in your life will keep your mind from negative thoughts and bring you peace of mind. It can be anything such as, you are sitting on the roof and enjoying the full Moon. You can be thankful for the full Moon.

Dopamine and Serotonin are the two hormones to feel positive and happy. Whenever we show our gratitude our brain release those hormones and we are feeling happy inside.

Do homework, every day at night before sleep write down any 5 things for which you are thankful. It Will help you a lot from stress.